
Hi! I'm Meet Shukla

Diligent, passionate, and technology-driven enthusiast who is keen on ways to contribute to the coding community.

With a profound passion for problem-solving, I am an eager student to learn new powerful technologies.

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I'm a Developer from Canada. Hoping to bring differences in society by developing amazing things

Name: Meet Shukla

Address: 1208 1551 Lycee Palace, Ottawa, Ontario K1G4B5

Phone: 3435584387

Email: me@meetshukla.in

Alternate Email: meetshukla2205@gmail.com


Technology Analyst
Deutsche Bank

  • Decreased real-time fetching trade time for brokers by 65% through the implementation of Apache Kafka and Elastic Search architecture
  • Implemented an end-to-end application architecture involving APIs for fetching 1000s of Instrument related data and delivering it to brokers on a real-time basis.
  • Revamped Jenkins pipeline to automate deployments and testing across environments.
  • Developed a comparison algorithm tool using Java Springboot and React for fetching data from excel sheets and generating a discrepancy report by comparing those excels.
  • Wrote unit as well as integration tests while adhering to clean code practices.


V innovate IT

  • Developing new and innovative projects with the team like Waste segregation using ML (used by Vellore city since 2018), Bluetooth attendance system, and utility projects for students in VIT.
  • Tutored more than 500 freshmen and sophomore students with the basics of various technologies like Data Structures, Web Technologies, and Data Science.



Masters in Computer Science
University of Ottawa

GPA : 10

Ottawa, Canada

2022-2024 (Expected)

B Tech Information Technology
Vellore Institute of Technology

GPA : 9.21

Vellore, Tamilnadu


Shakti Higher Secondary School

Percentile Score: 96.96

Rajkot, Gujarat


High School
Mahan High School

Percentile Score: 99.95

Rajkot, Gujarat



Point of sale and Inventory management system (Freelance)

Technology: React JS, NodeJs, MongoDB, Oracle SQL
A comprehensive system that took care of the inventory management and point of sale for a burger shop.

Sentiment Analysis Model

Technology Used: Python, Pytorch, Numpy
Prediction of sentiment of movie review.
Using Python, NLP Algorithm and finally deploying the model in AWS sage-maker

Mess Management System

Technology Used: SQL
Automation of the Credit System of the Mess
Use of various SQL queries for getting the details. Basic Use of PL/SQL to update some tables.


Deep Learning Nanodegree

Introduction to Machine Learning with TensorFlow Nanodegree

The Web Developer Bootcamp